Category: News

First U Humanist Group

Description The Humanist Group continues to be vital and stimulating for its members and guests. The participants have a broad range of worldviews and interests, and enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas with each other on a regular basis. We discuss many topics for a humanist or non-theistic view. The group meets twice a month, on second and … Continue reading First U Humanist Group

1st U Women’s Group – Sunday, August 11

1:00 p.m. via Zoom. The Women’s Group is an inclusive group that invites ALL women (cisgender, transgender, nonbinary) members and friends of 1st U to join our meetings. Contact Christen Morrow at for further information. Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 874 4247 7597Passcode: WomenDial in: +13126266799

Senior Support Group – Wednesday, August 7

3:00 p.m. via ZoomWhether or not we can come to church to be together physically, we can meet virtually. And like the Beatles song, we’ll “get by with a little help from our friends.” Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 850 3074 4948Passcode: FriendsDial in: 312-626-6799

Global Studies Group Summer Reading – “Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” June through September

Our summer read is Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America by Heather Cox Richardson. All are welcome, whether you have read the assignment or not! From the forward: America is at a crossroads. A country that once stood as the global symbol of democracy has been teetering on the brink of authoritarianism. How … Continue reading Global Studies Group Summer Reading – “Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America” June through September

The Good Life Seminar

The Good Life Seminar is a recurring Adult Religious Education opportunity at the First Unitarian Church of Chicago. In this highly-varied monthly series, we engage texts, frameworks, ideas, imaginaries, problems, and exemplars of what makes for a “good” life, individually and collectively. Register here! 

Membership Engagement Workshop – Postponed

The Saturday “Engagement Workshop” is being rescheduled, as the time did not work for our newcomers. If you are interested in being part of the summer membership group (i.e., in joining the church now), drop Rev. Dave a note to or send a text to 917-664-4027.

Thirsty Theologians

6:30 p.m. at Jimmie’s We get together the last Wednesday of the month in a casual easy way and meet a few people. We have a drink (leaded or unleaded), eat some tater tots, share a story, and enjoy a summerish evening together. If you have not come before, give it a try now, if we have … Continue reading Thirsty Theologians