Our Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
We are a diverse congregation, joyously united to address personal and societal challenges with passionate action for the healing of the world.
Who We Are
The First Unitarian Church of Chicago welcomes all who seek a religious home free of creeds and guided by love, reason, and conscience. We are a delightful mix of races, cultures, and beliefs; a unity in diversity.
In this church, there are people who pray, people who meditate, people who write, people who make art, people who practice paying attention, people who read mindfully, and people who have no active spiritual practice at all. We don’t say the same words, perform the same actions, or address the holy aspects of life in the same ways.
Within our diversity, there are some things that unite us. We believe in the importance of the individual’s free search for truth and meaning. We believe in every person’s inherent worth and dignity. And we believe deeply in the importance of work for justice in this world.
Our vibrant religious education program helps our children develop their spiritual curiosity and awaken their souls without imposing a particular set of beliefs on them.
We celebrate and affirm the active engagement of LGBTQ+ members, friends, and their families.
Join us on this journey!